Thursday, February 27, 2014

Chapter 16

Today we discovered with some certainty that one class period is NOT enough time to discuss World War 2 and the McCarthy Era in much detail. Nonetheless, we enthusiastically dived into the subject matter!

We began the class by reviewing last week's homework assignment. As always, I loved seeing the different selections and approaches you each took with your assignments. Thank you to those who chose to share in class, and I apologize to those who wanted to share more when we ran out of time.

While examining history, we ALWAYS need to be mindful of our sources. Today I reminded you that Howard Zinn was a bombardier in World War 2 and that he maintained vocal pacifist views for most of his life following the War. This is NOT the same video we watched in class, but another Howard Zinn video in which he talks about the details of his experience in the War. Please give it a watch!

Some of you were surprised when I brought up actor/comedian/activist extraordinaire, George Takei, during our discussion. Though most of you knew who he was, you all seemed fairly surprised to learn that he had grown up in a Japanese internment camp here in the US. We watched him speak about his experiences on the anniversary of Roosevelt's 9066 Executive Order, which gave the American government the authority to deport and imprison over 110,000 Japanese Americans.

For next week, please read Chapter 17 and Martin Luther King, Jr's "Where Do We Go from Here?" and complete ONE of the following:

Affirmative action is a current controversial issue that has arisen from the civil-rights movement. What is affirmative action? What are its goals? Why would such a system be used? Do you think it is an effective way to right socio-economic injustice?


Young people—including thousands of pre-teens and teenagers—formed the core of the civil-rights movement. Knowing the risks, why do you think they got involved? Why do you think their parents allowed them to become involved?


Learn more about the role of religion and song in the civil-rights movement. Investigate their significance and the spiritual motivation they inspired.


Learn more about the historical origins and beliefs of the Nation of Islam (NOI).How did these beliefs influence the civil-rights movement? How did Malcolm X influence the movement? How has the NOI evolved?


View art collections about the civil-rights movement. (I'm not expecting you to visit a museum! Online collections are fine.) Norman Rockwell created some exemplary pieces. What do they tell you about the movement? What do they tell you about the individuals involved? Why would art be created to express the civil-rights movement?


Create a work of art that expresses the goals of any contemporary group of United States residents who currently experience political, social, and/or economic injustice.

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